The boys are out of school and the next 10 weeks are referred to as simply "the summer".
The topic of conversation around the water cooler "SO what are your kids doing this summer?"
Eli has a great summer planned with 3 days of the week (Mon, Tue and Thurs) spent out in the community with his respite buddy - Nate. Eli also has music therapy on Monday afternoons.
Joel is in North Carolina this week with Brenda and Don and 3 of their boys. Each year they go to Emerald Isle, N.C. for the first week in June. I talked to Joel a couple of times- he is having a great time. Next week he goes on a Wilderness Trip for 7 days in the wilderness of Canada. They will canoe and camp and carry all their stuff. This is an annual trip that one of the teachers at school sponsors for the 11th and 12th grade boys.
Big Black Before
Big Black had his summer hair appointment this week. See the before and after. He has such a lot of hair I'm afraid critters could nest in him and I wouldn't know! Also helps with clumps of dirt and sap that he picks up.
I submitted my last assignment today - so my summer will consist of my garden and enjoying Kevin's music at several summer concerts and festivals. Then of course - there's work.
Big Black After....
Perhaps we should call him
Medium Gray for the summer.