Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fickle Indiana weather

Indianapolis temps were well below freezing for several days this week. These photos show the fountain in the pond frozen into an ice sculpture! Look closely at the lower left corner...there is a small, shivering fairy not unlike the fairy spotted in the fern forest at Mooloolah.

Friday the temps took an upward turn - today reaching 52, hence a big melt down. I spotted a couple of orange moving objects under the ice around the pump - gold fish weathering the chilly temps.


Anonymous said...

I have had some advice from my IT consultant in Indianapolis and hopefully I can now get to comment on your BLOG. Your fish must be tough! Let's see if this makes it.

Tamara said...

These are great photos of the fountain, Leisa. Very cool.

Love, Tamara

me trying to look philosophical said...

gotta hand it to those goldfish!