Friday, July 30, 2010

House Painting Complete

Kevin and his Dad, Russ and I worked on painting the exterior of the house. The siding is vinyl so we only had to paint trim. The front porch was the biggest job - but not the most treacherous. The trim used to all be vanilla - the same color as the siding. We painted the trim a khaki color, and the shutters and door a Terra-cotta. We also painted some of the porch the same vanilla color so the 3 colors were still all blending.

Painted the accent the same colors....

The top of the chimney was a challenge! But is all complete now.

Task done for another 10 years!


Garry said...

I HATE painting. I did the whole house at 4th Avenue - no vinyl cladding/siding, just fibro walls. I also silvered the iron roof. That I will NEVER do again.
Yours looks great. I especially like the terracotta. Well done, staying safe.

Anonymous said...

The results are stunning. Russ and Kevin are very athletic, especially considering Russ's hip replacement recently.
Mum and Dad

leisa said...

Kevin HATES painitng too. He just finished helping his Dad paint his house and he has offically retired as a least for 10 years or so.

Anonymous said...

All this talk about house painting makes me groan, as our trim will need attention again soon. We have been here for 20 years come December.
Lesle likes the whole deal and says you seem to have gone to a lot of trouble to get your match up with the bricks.
Now, if she was there, she would say of the two ladder men, "Get down off that ladder and keep your both feet on the ground, particularly you Russ!"
(I have been grounded for years)
Cool Col