Monday, May 26, 2008

Garden Critters

I loved reading about Garry's new mate Trevor. In the ensuent (is this a word??) blogging Garry reminded me of the cockatoo Malcolm. Makes for good reading...see Garry's site under Trevor.

These are the newest of critters in my garden. A pair of toads, or frogs. Not sure what the difference is. I became aware of these guys when I heard the "plop" of one or both of them diving into the water upon the approach of the human. Interestingly the cats don't seem to both them. They enjoy sunning themselves on the rocks.


Anonymous said...

Dear Leisa

Love the frogs. Wonder where they have been all winter Poor Malcolm. That story still makes for good telling in Oz.



me trying to look philosophical said...

nice shot of the frogs.
Yes Trevor was back a couple of times today.
Interesting...he came alone for some breakfast, but he brought 4 mates with him at morning tea time, none of whom would stay on the verandah railing when i came near them. They all flew off and watched from nearby trees while Trevor and I had a good chat and he scoffed some ham and pineapple pizza. Maybe they are checking me out? They weren't laughing